Monday, December 14, 2009

Earth Protection Game Why Do You Wear Padding?

Why do you wear padding? - earth protection game

hello in Britain. Why do football players wear weapons than playing?

This is a serious problem, because most Britons believe that sport is so ... for girls. I mean, this is as physical as rugby Infact its the opposite! Why all the protections ridiculous? will certainly play with more armor than most soldiers!


nkf711 said...

They say that this serious problem, but is basically a way for you to throw the Americans to call their favorite sport, "daughter". To check your ego.

To hear the answer from someone who has played at once:

I played all the football players, the United Kingdom, Australia, etc., and I played D-1 college ball.

After college I started playing rugby and I enjoyed it a great game and the guys are very sturdy construction, but I've never pentalized Leauge or distributed in football matches too hard. But it happened twice when I played rugby Leauge Basically was told: "We recommend that you contact a good and strong, but do not want that man to play when you hit someone with the intention of harm." Now maybe its my football mentality, but is there another purpose?

I do not know in any case, like I was meeting people in an attempt to "harm", but when I fence I'm trying to ensure "damage" and let them remember who has the time, and I am sure that it, too. I MPhonestly say that in football or rugby in the United States, which has never been a bargain, or attempt to harm someone, but try to blow up the air, as hard as I could, part of the part.

So basically the same experience if rugby player can get in, take samples and deliver, never hit less badly than football, hence the need for pills.

Moreover, ERC Leauge rules that prohibit former NFL players to play, why? Look it up, its true.

Anonymous said...

Not really, the hockey players had double the amount. The filling is less than five pounds, and only covers the shoulder to the chest. If you're a lineman, you have a little lower. It is not too thick, only two to three millimeters. It may be more physical, especially in the line of scrimmage. Do you really want from the linemen are 300 + lbs treatment or block without padding, usually around 405-700 pound bench ((Oops, we accidentally put 500 lol))? Rugby is a wonderful sport, but football is more speed. To do in rugby, not at full speed and the people who say they do not lie, because the human body has a natural tendency to retreat or instinct. You can delete, but only a handful can do just a few. People are wondering ... Why players are after a stroke? Well, because they are hard as rugby players. They play rugby right? After a tackle or hit, the brain believes that crashed against his skull. The players have to leave both teams through the pain.

B_Wells said...

They live in a world Fanstasy. Take a look around and see which country produces the best athletes in the world. I'll help you. It is the United States.

Rugby valuable some of the best in the world, could be considered a working group, kicker or reserve players in the NFL. Rugby players are not athletic at the same level.

His work under a false assumption that rugby is a physical equivalent. It is not. There is no blocking in rugby. (It is) a disgrace. Half of the great successes of the football, which occur away from the ball. A total of 11 boys / team are in contact on every play in football, unless QB and WR and DB (in general).

Got Em! said...

Questions like this is why they not only play rugby and football. That's why I used to send all our players in his country ass and then sank the league of Europe. Please take more, because his physical. Do you think that the rugby players of NFL players were killed. Our players are bigger and meaner than rugby players girly

And British Guy Sorry, but what happens if his precious Bisping fought Dan Henderson. I think you could "girls" here. Nice try, and good day. Go to a time of coffee and tea to remember.

Shack said...

You go to a secondary practice, complete set, and you know when you're lying on the ground with signs of their ears.

Shack said...

You go to a secondary practice, complete set, and you know when you're lying on the ground with signs of their ears.

cunning stunt said...

Football is a collision sport. If you have two people running together at full speed to each other as far as possible reached ... You need something to protect your body.

Felix said...

These guys make money, money ... seriously ...

wid said...

ahah come to my school, now have 3 per day from a camp meeting wit hours 3 days next week, the day arrived ill hit u nd u will have no buffer ND to see if its still girly

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